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Call: 01306 772540

Mon-Fri 9.00-17.30

A comprehensive programme of training designed to your keep employees safe

Increasing competence of all workers is key to improving both Health & Safety Standards and the efficiency & profitability of your business. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to provide their employees with the information, instruction and training, required to understand, control and manage their work activities. Anthony Birch Health & Safety Services Ltd, can provide numerous Health & Safety Training Courses to meet your needs.

New Employee Induction Packs

It is vital that all Health & Safety Procedures, Workplace Rules, Personnel Issues and other important information is relayed to New Employees on day one of their employment. This is specifically required under Health & Safety Regulations. To ensure no important items are overlooked, we can design and supply Your Company with a New Employee Induction Pack to suit your requirements.

Risk Assessment

We can provide training in how to undertake Risk Assessments. See our page on Risk Assessments for further information.

Manual Handling

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations require training to be given to all involved in Manual Handling Tasks. Back injuries and upper limb disorders account for the majority of days lost to accidents in the UK. We can train your staff in the requirements of the Regulations and how to deliver a safe lifting technique.

C.O.S.H.H. Awareness

Do your employees use or do you store hazardous substances? We can provide Training in the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations and provide awareness of this topic. This includes looking at the routes of entry into the body, target organs and an understanding of exposure limits.


The Noise at Work Regulations call for all employees exposed to noise in excess or 80 decibels to be trained in the effects of noise and suitable control measures. Failing to provide this training could place you and your Company in breach of these regulations. We can undertake this training on your behalf. Please contact our office for further details including how we can measure your noise levels.


We can provide training in the use of Fire Extinguishers and the role of the Fire Warden, plus Fire Awareness Training. See our page on Fire for further information.

Asbestos Awareness

We offer bespoke courses to raise awareness, reduce risk and comply with legal standards regards the handling and disposal of asbestos. To find out more please visit our training page.

Additional Training:

There are numerous additional training courses we can offer including; Working at Height, Abrasive Wheels, Construction Safety, Personal Protective Equipment and many more. Please contact us at our office for further information.