
With You Every Step of the Way

Call: 01306 772540

Mon-Fri 9.00-17.30

A simple, effective way to assess your workplace safety

Health & Safety Audits

Anthony Birch Health & Safety Services Ltd has a range of Health & Safety Audit Systems to fit your requirements. By providing an independent review of your Health & Safety Management Systems we will be able to advise you of your position in respect of Compliance with the numerous pieces of legislation affecting your business.

The basic audit involves one of our team visiting your premises for between 2-3 hours (dependent on the size and nature of your business), where we will ask questions and look at documentation as required. A report is then issued from our offices which will provide both a numeric scoring system and an action plan. The report will contain recordings of both Good and Bad practice witnessed.

Once the action plan has been written you need not feel that this has left you with lots of work to do as we are with you every step of the way. Included will be information on how we can help together with detailed costs and timescales for each item.

Health & Safety Culture Studies

Does your Company have a particularly poor accident rate or do you have a high employee claims culture? If so we specialise in undertaking culture studies. This includes using a number of performance indicators to assess why the situation has arisen. The report provides recommendations which once implemented can produce amazing results.

Workplace Inspections

We can undertake an inspection of your workplace to identify potential hazards. The benefit of having an independent look at your sites is that we may well be able to spot potential problems that you are currently overlooking or are unaware of.