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Mon-Fri 9.00-17.30

Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015

Anthony Birch Health & Safety Services Ltd are qualified to act as Principal Designer for projects covered by The Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015. We also offer CDM related training. In addition we can assist all of the following duty holders with their legal requirements under these Regulations:

  • Client
  • Designer
  • CDM Co-ordinators
  • Principal Contractors
  • Contractors

Safety Training builds confidence

The Construction Industry has one of the highest rates of accidents in the UK and is therefore a key target for Health & Safety Executive Inspectors. The high rates are believed to be due to a number of factors including; Nature of the Work, Macho Image within the Industry, Changes in Workplace and Workforce, Tight Deadlines and even the Weather.

Construction Site Inspections

We can undertake and record independent Site Inspections of Construction Sites. This will help show that your Company have a pro-active approach towards Health & Safety and our inspection may identify breaches in the law and potential hazards before they turn into accidents.

Working at Height

A new directive on Working at Height was introduced on 6th April 2005 . We can assist by helping with Risk Assessments or by carrying out training for those involved in either planning work at height or those undertaking it.

Find out more about our CDM Regulations Training