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A water-tight policy is good for business as well as a legal requirement

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires all Companies who employ 5 or more people to have a written Health & Safety Policy. The Act provides some guidance in relation to the required inclusions of such policies. Failure to have a suitable policy could place your business in Breach of the 1974 Act.

Additionally many smaller businesses and the Self-Employed are finding that having a tailor-made Health & Safety Policy makes good business sense and can help win contracts when a copy of the policy is enclosed during the tendering process.

Writing a Policy

We can assist with the writing of YOUR Health & Safety Policy tailor made to suit your business. All we require are a few details about your organisation and we will do the rest.

Reviewing Your Existing Policy

There is a requirement under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to review your Health & Safety Policy on a regular basis. We can undertake an independent appraisal of your policy.

Please contact us at our office for further assistance and cost information.