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Risk Assessments are Compulsory and are a Legal Requirement. They are at the heart of Health and Safety Management and help in creating a safe working environment.

The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require every Employer and Self-Employed person to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health & safety of his employees whilst at work, and the risks to others not in his employ who may be effected by his undertakings.

In addition where the employer employs five or more employees (including part-time staff) then he has to record the findings.

This is an area where many businesses have a short fall in their Health & Safety Management. Failing to undertake a sufficient assessment can lead to prosecution by the H.S.E.

Anthony Birch Health & Safety Services Ltd can provide cost effective assistance with the many areas of Risk Assessment including those detailed below and can assist you with your assessments.

Risk Assessment Formats

We can design a risk assessment format to suit your needs. We endeavour to issue a simplistic format that is user friendly and will enable Risk Assessments to be undertaken without fear.

Risk Assessment Training

We can provide the relevant training required to undertake Risk Assessments for you and your staff. This can be either done in group sessions or individually at your premises. This training will be delivered in an easy to understand format leaving you with the knowledge and confidence to undertake assessments.

Manual Handling Risk Assessments

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 require a suitable and sufficient assessment of all manual handling at work. We can either carry out these assessments on your behalf or provide the relevant training for someone from your business to undertake these assessments.

C.O.S.H.H. Risk Assessments

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations requires a Risk Assessment to be undertaken for the storage and use of each Hazardous Substance. We can assist your business with the undertaking of these assessments and can additionally provide C.O.S.H.H. Awareness Training for all employees.

Display Screen Equipment Assessments

The Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 require Employers to Analyse Workstations, and Assess and Reduce Risks. We can assist by undertaking these assessments on your behalf or by providing training for someone in your office to undertake these Assessments.

Fire Risk Assessments

Have you completed a Fire Risk Assessment of the buildings under your control yet? If not call us to assist you in this requirement.

Undertaking Risk Assessments for you

We can visit your site and complete the risk assessments with you to take away the worry and save you valuable time.

Method Statements, Safe Systems of Work & Permits to Work

Method Statements, Safe Systems of Work and Permits to Work are becoming more and more commonplace. In fact it has been a legal requirement since the introduction of the Health & Safety at work Act 1974 to provide safe working procedures. Whether tendering for work or protecting your employees or the public there is now a great emphasis placed on recording safe working methods. We can assist with the following:

  • Writing Method Statements
  • Writing Safe Systems of Work
  • Permits to Work

See more information on the Fire page.